Category: Featured

Canadian Panel Looking at Wi-Fi Health Concerns Hit by Controversy

A second member of the panel chosen by the Royal Society of Canada to look at human exposure to radiation and required safety levels around wireless devices, cell phones and cell towers has ties to the industry and should resign, says a citizen’s advocacy group based in Canada.

by Lee Rickwood

What’s your Kobo? A look at Arc and Aura HD eReaders

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla If you’re looking at a  flagship Kobo eReader these days you can get the luxurious Kobo Aura HD or the versatile Kobo Arc depending on how you like to consume your content.

The Rabbit TV offers plenty but does it deliver?

By Ted Kritsonis

If you’ve caught a late night infomercial or just happened to come across the Rabbit TV on a visit through a retailer in the U.S., you may have been tempted by its generous offer of giving you 5,000 TV stations. We take a closer look and find there’s some particular points that you should know about before you even consider buying one.

Medical apps for various conditions on the rise, but require careful selection

By Ted Kritsonis

The increased popularity of mobile apps for smartphones and tablets usually gets the most attention for the entertainment they provide, but there are plenty that are designed to be informative, and health is one of those categories that fits the bill. There is no shortage of fitness and nutrition apps, but there are also others meant for more serious health conditions and illnesses.

Metadata Collection Violates Our Right to Privacy

From the point of view of search engine and social network operators, retail advertisers and mass marketers, political parties and their pollsters, law enforcement or public security agencies, the more information the better.

by Lee Rickwood