Category: Featured

Multitasking plus 100 new features unveiled in iPhone OS 4

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Set to ship in June, iPhone OS 4 will work only on the iPad, iPhone 3GS and the most recent version (late 2009) of the iPod Touch. The iPad version of the software is expected to come in the fall. Earlier iDevices, namely the original 2G iPhone and the iPhone 3G will be able to take the upgrade but will not have access to many of the new features, including multitasking. Apple is expected to launch another version of the annually-upgraded iPhone in June.

Location Based Social Media: How to play safe on

By Jessica Muhlbier is a popular and fun location-based tool for mobile devices, and is also a game. It allows users to “check in” at various venues using either text messaging or a smart phone application. But there are several red flags to consider before checking-in all over town.

Virgin Mobile rallies for sidewalk Safe Zones across Canada

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

In Canada alone, more than 20,000 pedestrian accidents have occurred while texting since 2009. These are the more serious ones that were actually reported, thousands of accidents go unreported.

Mobile Hotspots Available in Canada – Update

by Lee Rickwood

More than just cellphones and laptops, wireless networks now have to support smartphones and e-readers and iPads, and mobile hotspots may be the best way to do so.

BlackBerry acquires Viigo

The popular RSS reader application Viigo, which also happens to be the most downloaded third-party BlackBerry app, has been acquired by BlackBerry maker Research In Motion (RIM).

Google Nexus One is powerful and versatile

Text and photos by Gadjo C. Sevilla

With its off-the-wall specs and opulent screen plus its refined handling of the Android OS, the Google Nexus One is powerful, versatile and innovative player in the smartphone market.