Category: Gadgets

Tips on Selling Your Old Phone

By Christine Persaud
Chances are you swap your phone out every three or four years. A recent Gallup survey found that 44% of Americans actually upgrade their smartphones as soon as they are permitted to do so in their carrier contract, which is typically every two years. But what do you do with your old device?

5 Eco-Friendly Tech Gadgets in Celebration of Earth Day

BY christine Persaud
Friday, April 22 is known as Earth Day, a day when we celebrate environmentally-conscious behaviours, and aim to do our part to protect our precious earth. Many technology companies are doing their part, too, with products that use sustainable materials, or give back in some way to the environment. Here are just a few.

Home Tech to Help Prepare for Your March Break Vacation

By Christine Persaud
When it comes to technology, there are plenty of ways you can use it to feel safer, and enjoy greater peace-of-mind that everything will be a-ok at home while you leave for a few days.

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Is Artificial Intelligence the Future of Retail?

by Lee Rickwood
Proximity marketing tools like motion-tracking cameras, wireless device detectors and Bluetooth broadcasting enable instant connectivity with potential customers.

Review: Quell is a wearable for pain relief

By Ted Kritsonis

Dealing with chronic pain usually requires a cocktail of medication, physiotherapy, creams and injections to manage. Quell is a wearable device from NeuroMetrix that aims to not only impact one troublesome area in the body, but anywhere in it using electro-stimulation.