Category: Gadgets

Apple MacBook Air 2010 (11-inch) reviewed

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

We feel that Apple is seriously looking at the MacBook Air and seeing the future of their portable devices. Unibody construction, solid state SSD memory on a chip, soldered RAM chips, sealed batteries in a completely integrated system. Much of the MacBook Air’s design was dictated by the iPad, a non-user serviceable device.

Apple’s profits rise 70% behind record iPhone and Mac sales

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Apple’s success is generated by its innovation and landmark products like the iPhone 4 as well as the iPad which has taken the consumer electronics market by storm. Both devices can run over 300,000 applications sold on the App Store as well thousands of music and movie titles from the iTunes Store.

Amazon Kindle 3 reviewed

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

One can’t help but wonder at the foresight, care and attention that went into designing this device. The subtle yet coarse texture on the keyboard’s keys, the almost organic way it feels to the touch and the hyper-intuitive, utterly idiot-proof user interface that ties it all together defines a less-is more approach that just works. It is all about the joy of reading and this is evident.

The Tablet Wars Begin

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The Galaxy Tab and BlackBerry PlayBook’s size seem to address the biggest complaint about the iPad, that it is too big and heavy to be held with one hand for prolonged periods of use. The biggest indicator of the newcomers’ competitive viability, aside from specs and features, is price. Competing tablets need to undercut the iPad to be even remotely interesting to consumers.

Fall Gadgets – It’s time to get back in the game

By Jessica Muhlbier

Daunting or not, with Autumn here, it’s time to get back in the game. Luckily, to help ease the transition from steady-eddy to non-stop overdrive there are a few gadgets, apps, and simple steps that can help.

RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook zeroes in on Apple’s iPad

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Challenging the iPad in both the consumer and enterprise markets, RIM is risking everything on their PlayBook play. The new 7-inch PlayBook tablet which features a 1GHz dual-core processor and integrates with user’s existing BlackBerry accounts. The device can handle Flash 10.1 as well as HTML5 web standards plus it has full-1080p HD playback capability.