Category: Mobile

How to Stay Safe on Public Wi-Fi Networks

By Christine Persaud
According to Kaspersky Labs, 70% of tablet owners and 53% of mobile phone users have used a public Wi-Fi network. But they can be easily intercepted. You could go the extra mile to ensure safe usage by doing something like setting up a Virtual Private Network (VPN) to encrypt the traffic sent and received between your device and the VPN server. But not everyone has the tech-savvy to do such a thing.

Locking ban makes stronger case to avoid phone contracts

By Ted Kritsonis

Starting on Dec. 1, carriers will no longer be able to sell smartphones locked to their network, potentially opening up a stagnant wireless market in Canada. If it does make it easier to leave from one carrier to go to another, will Canadians take advantage of the opportunity?

The Future for Connected Cars Needs a Road Map

The Future for Connected Cars Needs a Road Map

by Lee Rickwood
The connected car data chain extends from the manufacturer to the dealer to the telecom service provider to the auto mechanic to the insurance company to the licensing agencies to the driver and occupants, with potential stops in between for law enforcement and traffic management officials. Which company or public sector institution would the average driver contact if they have a privacy concern?

5 Ways to Pay From Your Phone

By Christine Persaud
A report from Catalyst indicated that 33% of Canadian consumers planned to make more mobile payments in 2016 than they did in 2015. Naturally, the proposed adoption was highest among millennials.

HP Elite X3 is Windows smartphone that wants to be a notebook and a desktop

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
Using Continuum, the HP Elite X3 can run version of Windows Desktop on an accessory laptop or, more practically, on a connected monitor, keyboard and mouse. While this is really cool in theory, the reality is that the HP Elite X3 doesn’t run any classic Windows Apps, only what the company is calling Universal Windows Apps which are available via their App Store.