Category: Mobile

New wireless code of conduct essentially ends 3-year phone contracts

By Ted Kritsonis

It took months of consultations, hearings and visceral consumer feedback, but the new wireless code of conduct released today by the CRTC has put an end to the carriers’ practice of sticking to three-year contracts and clarified some rules about unlocking and roaming. The new rules take effect on December 2.

A ‘phone tab’ might be better for you than a contract

By Ted Kritsonis

Three-year contracts are not in the best interest of the consumer, contrary to what carriers might say, but putting payment for a new smartphone on a “tab” might be a good alternative to signing a contract that limits your options.

SlingSync feature opens up the Slingbox to media on phones, hard drives

By Ted Kritsonis

The Slingbox has always been a device with a singular purpose — to take a live TV signal from one location and place-shift it to another over the Internet. The Slingbox 500 now has the extra function of SlingSync, a feature that enables content stored on a smartphone or tablet to playback on the TV the box is connected to.