Category: Trending

How to Safely Get Music Online

By Christine Persaud
Anyone who participated in the Napster peer-to-peer era knows all too well how the single download of a song file from an unknown source can single-handedly bring an entire computer down.

Best laptops for SMB’s

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Critical laptop features for SMB’s include solid build quality for use on field, long battery life and fast-charging capability, built-in ports to connect to external drives, projectors, monitors, keyboards and other peripherals.

A tale of two iPhones

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Will consumers go with tried and tested iPhone 8 line or will they make the jump to the more exotic and forward-focused iPhone X?

Google puts A.I. and machine learning at centre of massive product release

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Google is making it clear that it isn’t simply competing in the mobile market, with incremental handset improvements, specs and features. The company is taking the longer view, it sees Artificial Intelligence, or A.I., as the future and it is in the best position to put that future in people’s hands.