Category: Trending

Canadians' Privacy Trumped by American Agenda

Canadians’ Privacy Trumped by American Agenda

by Lee Rickwood
There’s “a significant gap in protection of Canadians’ personal information south of the border” and Canada’s Privacy Commissioner is asking how and why.

Software and Apps for Filing Your Taxes

By Christine Persaud
Tax season is upon us once again, and it can be a frightening task for both individuals/families and businesses. Luckily, there are plenty of software options, and even apps, that can help ease the filing burden.

Understanding Apple’s Mac Pro conundrum

Apple has realized that they need to continue creating pro-level desktops, not just as cool proof of concept statements that they are still innovators, but because serious and loyal customers rely on these machines for their livelihood.

Celebrating Canada’s 150th Birthday with a Tech Twist

By Yasmin Ranade
With July 1st only a few months away, is pleased to begin its celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday by highlighting Canadian tech innovations and efforts that pay tribute to Canada’s sesquicentennial anniversary.

Controversial Immigration Bans Won’t Stop U.S.-Canada Tech Projects

by Lee Rickwood
Disruptive new immigration bans and restrictive visa proposals in the U.S. are said to be a boon for the Canadian tech scene, with observers anticipating a growing flow of skilled workers to this country who can’t, or won’t, head to the States. Yet cross-border collaboration in the tech industry is not going away.

Comparison: The iPhone 6S vs. the iPhone 7

By Christine Persaud
Thinking of upgrading your smartphone? For iPhone users, it can be a tough decision. Do you go for the new iPhone 7, or opt for the now more affordable, previous-generation 6S?

Here’s a summary of how the two devices differ to help you make the decision.