Category: Trending

Steve Jobs helped me ‘think different’

By Ted Kritsonis

In light of Steve Jobs’ passing, there have been no shortage of articles exemplifying just how much of an impact this man had on the way people thought about technology. I count myself among them, though I didn’t really realize who he actually was until the late 1990s.

Apple releases iPhone 4S, new iPods and iCloud service

  By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla Apple today released the iPhone 4S, an iterative update to the iPhone 4 with faster dual core processors and an improved camera. Apple says the iPhone 4S is twice as fast as the iPhone 4…

A user evalues’s mail order video service

By Mark Orton

I like DVD’s. I like to wander the video store and check out what’s available, read the descriptions, watch the trailers being played and just immerse myself in a world of entertainment. Unfortunately the experience is hard to come by now as the major players are leaving the marketplace …

Why small businesses are embracing social media while big business holds back

By Hessie Jones

To this day, despite the prevalence of social media, adoption has been slow among large enterprises. Yes, some have been jumping on the bandwagon but many have yet to be convinced that Social Media will do anything significant to develop audience or revenues. Having worked in both sectors, I’m convinced that the gap between large corporations and small business involves: risk tolerance, money, adaptability …

Rogers launches LTE network in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver

By Ted Kritsonis

Just shy of three months after launching its first Long Term Evolution (LTE) network in Ottawa in July, Rogers opened the network in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, marking the next three major markets in Canada to get the carrier’s next-generation mobile network before the end of 2011. Users on the network should expect to see speeds more than double what 3G currently offers now.

You are hired! Canadian tech hiring experts discuss career strategies

By Yasmin Ranade

We all know that in order to get a job we need to “stand out” and show the employer the unique contribution that we can make. But just how is this done? How do we learn to do it? There’s no better way than to get advice from those with rich experience.