Category: Trending

Top Facebook apps caught leaking user information

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The Wall Street journal’s findings revealed that the apps in question were sending Facebook UID’s to at least 25 data collection and advertising firms. UID numbers can reveal a Facebook user’s name as well as other information that could lead to potential privacy issues. The leaks can apparently affect users with the most stringent privacy settings.

Is the iPhone 4 worth the upgrade?

Video featuring Ted Kritsonis

Apple’s iPhone 4 may have been out in Canada for over two months, but the question of whether to upgrade to it is still one worth answering.

Diaspora: social networking with privacy in mind

By Tim Teatro

I shake my head as I watch the constant roll of articles detailing some new height of insecurity or lack of privacy in Facebook. But there’s hardly been a promising alternative: until now.

Fall Gadgets – It’s time to get back in the game

By Jessica Muhlbier

Daunting or not, with Autumn here, it’s time to get back in the game. Luckily, to help ease the transition from steady-eddy to non-stop overdrive there are a few gadgets, apps, and simple steps that can help.

Review: BlackBerry Torch a promising start to something bigger

Text and photos by Ted Kritsonis

Having just been released in Canada after a month-long stint south of the border, the BlackBerry Torch had been highly anticipated for what it represented — the debut of BlackBerry 6 and a serious attempt at a touch-based handset. The result is not a slam dunk, by any means, but rather a cautious step forward that might signal something bigger to come.

RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook zeroes in on Apple’s iPad

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Challenging the iPad in both the consumer and enterprise markets, RIM is risking everything on their PlayBook play. The new 7-inch PlayBook tablet which features a 1GHz dual-core processor and integrates with user’s existing BlackBerry accounts. The device can handle Flash 10.1 as well as HTML5 web standards plus it has full-1080p HD playback capability.