Digital libraries save up Canadian content, Tweets, and everything else
by Lee Rickwood
Every public tweet, ever since Twitter’s inception in March 2006, will be archived – what a treat!
by Lee Rickwood
Every public tweet, ever since Twitter’s inception in March 2006, will be archived – what a treat!
By Lee Rickwood
Some users will appreciate the portability of the scanner; others, like me, really appreciate the small footprint of the unit in a home office set-up.
On Wednesday, Google unveiled the new and experimental Google Follow Finder on the official Google Blog. The service allows you to type in someone’s Twitter name. The giant computers at Google labs then spin to life and generate two lists: (1.) a…
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
Google’s powerful and versatile Nexus One Android smartphone is now officially offered to work with Wind Mobile and possibly upcoming carrier Mobilicity which shares similar network features.
Apple feels your pain in announcing iPad delay, saying “We know that many international customers waiting to buy an iPad will be disappointed by this news…”
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
Set to ship in June, iPhone OS 4 will work only on the iPad, iPhone 3GS and the most recent version (late 2009) of the iPod Touch. The iPad version of the software is expected to come in the fall. Earlier iDevices, namely the original 2G iPhone and the iPhone 3G will be able to take the upgrade but will not have access to many of the new features, including multitasking. Apple is expected to launch another version of the annually-upgraded iPhone in June.
by Lee Rickwood
Mobility and connectivity are surely important buzzwords behind this latest purchase, which may see QNX bring RIM into the smart car market!
By Jessica Muhlbier is a popular and fun location-based tool for mobile devices, and is also a game. It allows users to “check in” at various venues using either text messaging or a smart phone application. But there are several red flags to consider before checking-in all over town.