Tag: Android

Kobo aims for a slice of the tablet market

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Toronto-based eBook reader company Kobo has introduced the Kobo Vox which is an eBook reader with social graces and an eye on the emerging tablet market.

Adobe abandoning Flash for mobile devices opens door to HTML5

By Ted Kritsonis

Adobe’s announcement yesterday that it would no longer support Flash in mobile devices after version 11.1 is a bold move that opens the door for HTML5 as the new standard for rich web content on smartphones and tablets.

Sony Ericsson launches Xperia ray smartphone

By Ted Kritsonis

At a launch event in downtown Toronto last night, Sony Ericsson and Telus came together to unveil and launch the Xperia ray, an Android smartphone with a smaller footprint that may turn out to be a hit with female consumers.

Is Motorola’s new RAZR cutting edge enough?

Photos and text by Ted Kritsonis

Motorola’s most popular line of phones, the RAZR, is back, only this time it has to compete in the smartphone realm. Being on hand at Tuesday’s announcement in New York, we tackle the basics on what the new-look RAZR offers and what won’t be crossing the border into Canada.

What to Expect from Apple iOS 5

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Boasting over 200 new features, iOS 5 was one of the three big announcements at this year’s WWDC (Worldwide Developer’s Conference). Current iOS users will need to re-learn some aspects of the OS and how they use it but the benefits are worth it.

Why the Slingbox is still cool

By Ted Kritsonis

It’s not often that a gadget or gizmo can turn three years old and still be cool without having a single hardware upgrade. The Slingbox’s Pro-HD model first came out in 2008, and though it hasn’t changed at all since, it still proves to be a nice addition to anyone’s tech lineup.