Tag: Canada

Canada Needs a New Privacy Policy

Canada Needs a New Privacy Policy

by Lee Rickwood
Canada’s Annual Privacy Report includes recommendations for legislative reform and other solutions to help Canadians better control how their personal information is collected and used.

Copyright Consultations Cause Controversy in Canada

Copyright Consultations Cause Controversy in Canada

by Lee Rickwood
…[W]hile a debate about the copyright fees associated with downloading the latest tune from a successful music icon may seem self-serving if not socially irrelevant, the costs associated with getting a university degree can have much greater significance.

Back to school rate plans for your smartphone

By Ted Kritsonis

It’s that time again. With students set to go back to school, wireless carriers are trying to woo them with rate plans aimed at cost-efficiency. But which ones are worth checking out?

Reviewing the Sony Xperia XA1 and Xperia XA1 Ultra

By Ted Kritsonis

Flying under the radar is Sony’s penchant these days, as it continues to try gaining traction with smartphone users, this time with the mid-range Xperia XA1 and Xperia XA1 Ultra.