Calgary Tech Scene Rocks as Beakerhead Blends Science and Art, Space and Music
By Lee Rickwood
Beakerhead celebrates and fosters learning and collaboration between science, arts and technology in wonderful and sometimes weird ways.
By Lee Rickwood
Beakerhead celebrates and fosters learning and collaboration between science, arts and technology in wonderful and sometimes weird ways.
By Ted Kritsonis
With the new Apple TV now having been unveiled, the device that was once famously coined as a “hobby” is evolving to become a device that may play a role in changing how consumers view their content. Its future isn’t entirely clear, however, and that has a lot to do with what’s missing out of the gate.
By Lee Rickwood
Products offered for our comfort and convenience, are actually pretty convenient for digital intruders, computer hackers and cyber criminals.
By Ted Kritsonis
When a smartphone costs $150 outright, it can raise an eyebrow or two for any number of reasons. The ZTE Grand X 2 is an entry-level budget handset that offers some decent specs for the price, and aims to attract users who don’t need or care to have the best. Competition in the race to zero is getting tighter, putting the Grand X 2 in a battle for relevance to those looking for something affordable.
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
Consumers now have a range of smartwatches to choose from in the market. I’ve owned, tried and tested the Apple Watch, Samsung Galaxy Gear, Pebble Time and Moto 360 to determine what it is they offer.
“Future research may indicate that long-term human exposure to these particular low-frequency characteristics should be avoided or carefully controlled” a scientist wrote in 1979.
Now, we’re looking at labelling.
by Lee Rickwood
by Lee Rickwood
On the list of Ontario museum and gallery destinations, for example, are places of special interest to techno-enthusiasts, such as the Computer Museum, and the Museum of Television.
by Lee Rickwood
The purpose of the Award is as much to celebrate the accomplishments of the winner, as it is to create positive role models for younger women, who can be the winners of future such awards.