Tag: smartphone

Rogers launches LTE network in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver

By Ted Kritsonis

Just shy of three months after launching its first Long Term Evolution (LTE) network in Ottawa in July, Rogers opened the network in Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver, marking the next three major markets in Canada to get the carrier’s next-generation mobile network before the end of 2011. Users on the network should expect to see speeds more than double what 3G currently offers now.

Why the Slingbox is still cool

By Ted Kritsonis

It’s not often that a gadget or gizmo can turn three years old and still be cool without having a single hardware upgrade. The Slingbox’s Pro-HD model first came out in 2008, and though it hasn’t changed at all since, it still proves to be a nice addition to anyone’s tech lineup.

The legalities of unlocking your mobile phone

By Ted Kritsonis

Unlocking mobile phones has always been a confusing element to mobile phone ownership, but the demand for the freedom to use a handset anywhere, everywhere and with any provider will likely only grow further. And as it stands, there isn’t much of a legal precedent to stop it in Canada.

When it comes to cell phones and Internet service don’t accept the Status Quo

By Mark Orton

I am tired of being buried with cell phone promos. Commercials, ads, brochures, and mail everywhere I turn, extolling the virtues of what they offer. If you’re like me you’ve ignored them, because let’s face it we get comfortable with what we have. But as I found out comfort can cost you money.

Developer engagement vital to Mobile OS success

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

How companies like Apple, Google, Microsoft and HP engage and compensate developers on their mobile platforms will eventually determine their long term success.