Tag: technology

Google sets up latest Cloud Region in Montreal

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Google’s first Canadian Cloud region opened in Montreal last week. It joins other Google Cloud Platform (GCP) regions in Oregon, Iowa, South Carolina, Northern Virginia.

Holy Fake News! Pope Tackles Distorted Facts on Social Media

Holy Fake News! Pope Tackles Distorted Facts on Social Media

by Lee Rickwood
We may be our own last line of defence against fake news and purposeful social manipulation. That puts our media literacy, cognitive skills and critical thinking abilities to a real test. Severely tested, too, will be our economic skills and abilities. Fake news is cheap; real information and investigative journalism is expensive.

State of Smart Speakers in Canada

By Gadjo Sevilla
Every major technology company has invested in a smart assistant. Apple has the venerable yet hobbled Siri assistant, Google has Assistant, Microsoft has Cortana and Amazon dominates the US with its Alexa assistant running off Amazon Echo devices.