Have Your Say on Mobile Wireless Prices: Government Holds Cellphone Consultation
by Lee Rickwood
The CRTC’s mobile wireless consultation will address today’s market realities, but also it hopes to tackle those of tomorrow.
by Lee Rickwood
The CRTC’s mobile wireless consultation will address today’s market realities, but also it hopes to tackle those of tomorrow.
by Lee Rickwood
Facebook reports it has made dramatic improvements to its social media platform to protect people’s personal information, but the federal privacy commissioner will go to court to force Facebook to correct its privacy practices.
by Lee Rickwood
When putting a value on the air we breathe, there can be many decision-making factors to consider.
by Lee Rickwood
Health and well-being gains are being realized through music therapy and the use of MP3 players, but there’s obviously a problem with putting headphones on a person with dementia and leaving them alone.
by Lee Rickwood
Our attempts to reduce carbon output are not working, leaving us to see absorption of the CO2 we have already emitted as the next best choice.
The importance and impact of technology in the smart city will lead to a big brother-ish city of surveillance or a rewarding smorgasbord of urban independence and opportunity.
by Lee Rickwood
The image of a cellphone cage outside every classroom is one of the ramifications of banning their use inside, if not a terribly ironic reflection of the world around us.
by Lee Rickwood
We’re learning very quickly about the value of information in the digital age: we don’t have to hide our data, we need to control it!