Category: Business

Canadian tax software to help you file your own taxes

By Ted Kritsonis

Tax software may not be the most exciting piece of technology to use, but it can save you money by making you your own accountant. And like any other tax filing process, it can either give you a surprising return or an unfortunate balance.

Social Media Week Pulse Check: mobile technology endures whirlwinds of change

By Hessie Jones

I recently made a presentation on mobile technology at Pulse Check, an event that took place during Social Media Week TO. The mobile world is like a whirlwind: fast-paced, innovative and totally unpredictable. Still, there are clearly discernable trends that will continue to shape mobile tech developments in 2012.

Online protests force reboot of government spying bill

By Lee Rickwood

The potential financial costs of implementing the legislation – and the lack of clarity over who would pay that bill, and how – are seen as another good reason the bill came to an early end.