Category: Business

Netflix adds hundreds of new movies and slashes bandwidth usage by up to two-thirds

By Ted Kritsonis

A new multi-year deal between Netflix and Paramount Pictures has been adding over 350 movies and shows to the streaming service’s Canadian offering. But perhaps more impactful is that streaming video will now take up, on average, one-third the data it used to, as Netflix responds to data cap concerns for consumers here.

Are Canadians too polite to succeed on the Internet? Reflections on Podcamp TO 2011

By Hessie Jones

I love Podcamp. The audience includes a very engaged Toronto social media community. Professionals, students, budding enthusiasts – all come together to embrace, share and learn about the new media. There is always a new insight to learn from, a new challenge to grapple with, a new technology to test.

Will Google and Facebook start feuding over data?

By Ted Kritsonis

This week, Google updated its Nexus S Android smartphone and ultimately severed the ties between Facebook contacts and Android’s own Contacts application. The move is just the latest in the increased competition between the two tech giants over sharing data.