Category: Business

Career Mentoring the theme of upcoming Wired Woman Toronto event

By Yasmin Ranade

Wired Woman Toronto’s next major event taking place at the Sutton Place Hotel in Toronto on November 30th has Mentoring as its theme. Called, Inspiring Excellence in Tomorrow’s Leaders – The Vital Role of Mentoring in your Career

Fotobounce 3.1 plugs some big holes, but a few more tweaks needed

By Ted Kritsonis

Face recognition is fast becoming a staple of photo editing software because of the simple fact that it helps organize growing libraries of digital photos. The latest version of Fotobounce fills in some crucial gaps in organizing and sharing full resolution photos, but some extra tweaks would’ve made this update even better.

Netflix streaming video service reviewed

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The on-demand and universally accessible nature of Netflix are its strongest features. Whatever you choose to watch appears instantly, not unlike how YouTube plays back its videos. You can also scrub forward and backwards to move through video quickly.

20 free web-based tools a small business should use

By Ted Kritsonis

Running a small business naturally requires that you make the most of the resources you have. If any of those can be had for little to no cost — and they get the job done right — then it’s hard not to buy into using them. It’s with that in mind that we’ve assembled this list of handy office tools.

Top Facebook apps caught leaking user information

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

The Wall Street journal’s findings revealed that the apps in question were sending Facebook UID’s to at least 25 data collection and advertising firms. UID numbers can reveal a Facebook user’s name as well as other information that could lead to potential privacy issues. The leaks can apparently affect users with the most stringent privacy settings.