Category: Featured

Review of the Nintendo Switch as a gaming innovation

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Switching from console to portable device feels seamless and magical. Nintendo really made it easy to enable a two-step process to take your games on the road without interruption. The included dock is flimsy but connects to the Switch CPU easily (do consider getting a screen protector as sliding in and out of the dock can scratch or damage the display).

Copyright Consultations Cause Controversy in Canada

Copyright Consultations Cause Controversy in Canada

by Lee Rickwood
…[W]hile a debate about the copyright fees associated with downloading the latest tune from a successful music icon may seem self-serving if not socially irrelevant, the costs associated with getting a university degree can have much greater significance.

Peace-of-Mind Accessories for Your Smartphone

By Christine Persaud
Smartphones are essential devices. We keep them with us 24/7, and use them to do everything from communicate with others, to snap photos, and watch entertaining videos or play games. They are also expensive, potentially running upwards of $1,000 for a high-end device like an iPhone 7 Plus. So it’s not surprising that we want to do whatever we can to protect our investment, and the device we rely on so much.

Apple reveals vision of smartphone future with iPhone 8 and iPhone X

The big announcement, and one that has been leaked in various forums and forms (no thanks to Apple’s own iOS 11 firmware, which spilled the beans on the look as well as various features), was the iPhone X or iPhone Ten. Using a new OLED display with an edge-to-edge display, iPhone X is the culmination of 10 years of Apple innovation in the segment it defined.

Reviewing the Tile Sport and Tile Style

By Ted Kritsonis

Losing something valuable or important is a harrowing feeling, and with so much technology available today, it should be possible to track items. The Tile Sport and Style are designed to offer that kind of peace of mind.

How-To: Windows 10 works wonders on older devices

Having used a recent Microsoft Surface Book for months before my ThinkPad with similar specs, I found performance on both to be about the same. Granted, I don’t do too many processor or memory intensive tasks on these devices, I felt that Windows 10 was fast and efficient on both devices.