Category: Featured

The Tech Industry Can Learn From Women in Capital Markets

By Christine Persaud

Women in Capital Markets (WCM) believes that once women in senior leadership roles leave the industry for an extended period of time, they find it difficult to re-integrate. The non-profit advocacy organization is working to change that for women in the finance sector. But Jennifer Reynolds, CEO, talked to us about how the program is as applicable, and easily replicated, in industries that face similar barriers, like the technology sector.

Glass screen protectors face off at Canadian Wireless Trade Show

Text and photos by Ted Kritsonis

The annual Canadian Wireless Trade Show that took place in Toronto Oct. 29-30 catered as much to retailers and business users as it did consumers, and glass screen protector manufacturers were among those hawking their wares.

Dell Canada launches Dell for Entrepreneurs Program

By Yasmin Ranade

Dell launched an initiative this month to support the start-up community in Canada.

Following its success in other countries, the Dell for Entrepreneurs program has been established with the aim of providing start-ups with support to enable their next phase of growth, including access to technology, sales enablement, capital, networking and marketing support.

Review: Samsung Galaxy Tab S shoots for the stars

Text and photos by Ted Kritsonis

Even the less discerning consumer probably recognizes that Samsung doesn’t seem to be shy in experimenting with its device lineups, and tablets are no exception. The Tab S line, coming in 10.5- and 8.4-inch models, is the most recent and most audacious in its attempt to fight against the dominance of Apple’s iPad. Its ability to compete is made obvious on paper, but it’s the user experience that makes all the difference.

Canada’s Privacy Debate Goes Live Online with Glenn Greenwald

“More and more Canadians are seeing through their government’s deceit and obfuscation,” Glenn Greenwald said in advance of his visit here, “and I’m eagerly anticipating this opportunity to contribute to that debate.”

by Lee Rickwood

5 Essential Apps for the Working Mother

By Christine Persaud
For many women, the demands of a career often come alongside the demands of a family. Organizing one’s life typically means a combination of planning for that big meeting or business trip while also making sure you make the PTA meeting, help the kids with their homework, and pick up groceries.

Looking for a smartphone on a budget? Check out this list

By Ted Kritsonis

Flagship smartphones are typically the best on the market, and the cost of entry is high for some, regardless of whether you go on contract or purchase outright. That may make it hard for the budget-conscious to get a high-end device, but there are some affordable options in the mid-range that won’t necessarily break the bank.

Drupal’s CMS powers travel and airport websites

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla Drupal’s free and open-source content management framework  powers 2.1 per cent of all websites and is also  making its mark in the travel industry.