Category: Featured

Microsoft Powers North America’s Largest Digital Tech Event

By Christine Persaud
CES attracts thousands of attendees every year, which meant finding a platform that could handle a large number of online visitors at once. The organisers also needed to find a way to translate the hustle and bustle of a show that is all about in-person connections and hands-on demos, lights, sounds, and ambiance, into something everyone could enjoy from their homes. Alone.

The Top Tech Trends For 2021, According To CES 2021

By Christine Persaud
Whereas CES tech trends in previous years have included various product categories like smart home, large-screened TVs, and wireless headphones, this year, it’s all about technologies that will foster a new way of life.

Hot Tech Categories Fueled By The Pandemic Aren’t What You Think

By Christine Persaud
During a virtual keynote prior to CES 2021, at the Techfluence virtual media event, Stephen Baker, NPD’s Vice President, Industry Advisor of Technology & Mobile, touched on the a few of the most surprising trends for 2020 at both ends of the spectrum.

meat package, smart label, smartphones

Tech-Enabled Smart Labels Help Fight Food Waste

by Lee Rickwood
New smart labels for food, other consumer products, even industrial processes, can be connected wirelessly to sources of power and contextual information.

Here Are Some Of The Best Midrange Phones

By Christine Persaud
While it’s tempting to jump on the highest-end, most premium, newest smartphones as soon as they come out, not everyone has the budget, nor the need, for devices that rival the cost of a monthly mortgage payment. This puts mid-range phones in a unique position to appeal to a large subset of the market.

Virtual CES 2021 Is An Admirable Pivot, But The Show Won’t Be The Same

By Christine Persaud
I have to hand it to the Consumer Electronics Association (CEA), organizers and producers of CES, for pivoting so quickly to offer a full digital event this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. CES is an important event and the wonder it brings to the industry is needed more than ever this year. How will it all go? Events commence the week of January 11, 2021, so it’s too early to tell.