Category: Gadgets

What goes into making one of TomTom’s maps?

By Ted Kritsonis

TomTom has become a renowned brand for mapping and navigation, but getting to that point required mapping and updating the geography to help drivers get to where they wanted to go. At an exclusive press event in the Caribbean island of Martinique, we got a firsthand look at what goes into mapping a place virtually from scratch.

Today’s Techie Timepieces

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla Now that we have clocks built into all our apps and  gadgets, it will take something pretty special to make a timepiece tempting to techies.

Can the Ooma Telo fully replace your landline?

By Ted Kritsonis

The Ooma Telo is a Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) device that uses your home’s broadband Internet connection to provide an alternative to a traditional landline. And it does so at a fraction of the cost, but is it easy enough to uproot your landline and replace it with technology like this?

Google Drive: Cloud service or emerging OS?

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla Google Drive is a free synching and file storage service that is the foundation for a comprehensive cloud service. Google’s big cloud initiative is starting to form more cohesively. 

Jumping Right In with the Samsung W300 Camera

I am old school, OK? Tossing any camera into the water runs against my religion, being raised on Bolex 16mm. But this Samsung mini camcorder brings a whole new perspective to the issue.

by Lee Rickwood