iPhone Leads the Herd with New Dairy App
Smartphone technology and a new mobile application can help keep milk fresh and healthy.
by Lee Rickwood
Smartphone technology and a new mobile application can help keep milk fresh and healthy.
by Lee Rickwood
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla Microsoft’s Windows Phone 8 operating system is not scheduled for release until sometime in November and competition among handset makers is expected to be fierce.
A new smartphone app understands a user’s needs and intentions – based on physical context and location, pre-defined preferences and situational needs.
by Lee Rickwood
Photo and text by Ted Kritsonis
Apple’s iPad may own the tablet market, but the title for the 7-inch form factor is very much up for grabs. Within that category are a few tablets that are priced just right for consumers, and Google’s Nexus 7 and RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook are in the thick of that race.
By Ted Kritsonis
The Competition Bureau, a federal government watchdog, has initiated a lawsuit against both the Big 3 wireless carriers, Rogers, Bell and Telus, and the Canadian Wireless Telecommunications Association (CWTA) for misleading consumers through advertising premium texting services that are billed as being free, but allegedly incur hidden fees.
Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla San Francisco – Apple Inc. took to the stage today to establish its role as the leading mobile technology company with the launch of the iPhone 5.
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla 2012 is shaking up to be an interesting one for the mobile industry. Patent cases, landmark product releases and emerging competition are quickly changing the face of the industry.
Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla The new hardware is impressive and the improved software even more so. RIM may be biding its time for a truly impressive comeback in 2013.