Ontario Tech Show Looks at Latest in Stereo 3D, Mobile Gaming, Digital Media
by Lee Rickwood
Next week’s OCE Discovery 11 conference and trade show will see lots of otherwise mature and responsible adults running around like kids in a candy store.
by Lee Rickwood
Next week’s OCE Discovery 11 conference and trade show will see lots of otherwise mature and responsible adults running around like kids in a candy store.
By Ted Kritsonis
In a series of unveilings yesterday at Google’s I/O conference, one highly touted new development is that of Android@Home, an extension of the mobile operating system that could connect Android devices to electronics and appliances throughout a home.
By Ted Kritsonis
In the 36-year history of Microsoft, there hasn’t been a bigger acquisition, at least when it comes to dollars and cents, than the one announced today. Skype, the VoIP application and service that has made it easy — and free — for users to stay in touch, will be part of the Microsoft family. But the move has a lot to do with what Microsoft wants to do when facing their competitors.
By Lee Rickwood
User manuals and privacy policies should get a ‘thumbs up, thumbs down’ button.
It’s not just about telling users how something works.
It’s about telling them if, how and why information is gathered about how, when and where they use it.
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
For a number of smartphone buyers, today’s the day. The long awaited white iPhone 4 finally comes to market after nine long months and Sony Ericsson’s dynamic duo of Xperia arc and Xperia PLAY also become available.
by Lee Rickwood
So, what were those scientists saying about mobile tracking again? Why are so-called privacy experts going ballistic – haven’t any of them read the instructions?!?!?
By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla
We’ve only had RIM’s BlackBerry PlayBook for less than 24 hours, we cover some of the features and capabilities of this impressive and powerful niche tablet.
by Lee Rickwood
Ranking Canada’s political parties for their ‘Safe Tech’ practices is just the start of major awareness campaigns about the health and safety of wireless technology.