Category: Trending

How the iPhone 7 Plus is challenging standalone digital camera performance

Not only is the iPhone 7 Plus easy to manage with one hand, it is fast and capable of taking multiple photos a second. Apple says that each time the iPhone takes a photo, there are 100 billion calculations in 25 milliseconds that take place to ensure the best possible photo is taken in the existing conditions.

Samsung Galaxy Note 7 woes seal its fate

By Ted Kritsonis

In what can only be described as one of the worst 30-day stretches a consumer electronics company has endured, Samsung’s troubles with its flagship Galaxy Note 7 smartphone have hit another low with calls to stop using the device entirely, even if it is a replacement.

STEM-friendly Tech Toys for Kids

By Christine Persaud
It’s never too early to get kids started on learning the basics of the STEM fields, which include Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. And luckily, there are a ton of cool, fun, and education tech toys that can help.

Narrative’s fall and Snapchat’s new Spectacles show privacy still matters

By Ted Kritsonis

The “lifelogger” category has never truly gotten off the ground, and part of it can probably be attributed to the inherent invasion of privacy others might feel. Narrative, makers of the Clip, has voluntarily shut down, while Snapchat’s new Spectacles glasses aim to live stream everything the wearer sees.

VR Video Immerses Viewers in Refugee Crisis

VR Video Immerses Viewers in Refugee Crisis

by Lee Rickwood
Clouds Over Sidra uses the latest virtual reality video technologies to viewer’s imagination by immersing them in middle of the Zaatari refugee camp in Jordan.

Shomi’s demise opens the road to different options

By Ted Kritsonis

Shomi will be showing nothing after Nov. 30 when it will be officially shut down by Rogers and Shaw, paving the way for other services to step in and fill the void. The lack of a legitimate source to stream the content it offered, however, may also lead to a spike in piracy.