Category: Trending

International Women’s Day: A Tech Dropout Now Helps Women Become Boss!

By Yasmin Ranade
Alessia Citro is a self-claimed ‘corporate dropout’ from tech companies like Google, Salesforce, and Houzz. As part of our International Women’s Day and #BreakTheBias editorial series, Alessia’s experience and purpose shines a spotlight on entrepreneurial women who have had dynamic tech careers but are now tapping into personal business-building aspirations instead.

Public Advocates, Tech Insiders Shining on Light on Dark Patterns

by Lee Rickwood
Be it hard-to-close windows urging you to enter your email address on a news site, or email opt-outs on shopping sites in difficult-to-find locations in difficult-to-read text, or those pre-checked boxes that allow ongoing charges, or those special product sales messages implying you’d better hurry, as there are only two of your favourite item left to buy, dark patterns appear almost anywhere and encourage us to do almost anything..

Empowering Hybrid Work with 5G-enabled Business Solutions

By Yasmin Ranade
With this first in Canada alliance, Rogers and Microsoft are opening all-new opportunities in 5G Multi-access Edge Computing (MEC ) and introducing the next chapter of global hybrid work just as Canada recovers from COVID-19 and looks forward to the economic, social and sustainability advantages of 5G

5 New Features Available on Twitter

By Christine Persaud
Twitter was once just a cluttered place to post your random thoughts in 140 characters or less. But over the years, Twitter has expanded, offering new capabilities, features, and options