Search Results for: health tech

BroadbandTV Founder and CEO Shahrzad Rafati and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau

Canadian Tech Entrepreneur Working with G20 to Empower Women

by Lee Rickwood
Equal pay for equal work isn’t just the right thing to do; the benefits of operating a gender-balanced work environment contribute directly to our bottom line, says a Canadian tech leader working to empower women in business.

Cannabis is For Women, Too, But Support is Lacking

By Christine Persaud
We’re on the heels of recreational cannabis becoming legal in Canada. And for those who support and/or use it, a particular issue is coming to light: why is the industry so male-focused?

The road to simpler small-business billing

As with all businesses, time is money. Tofino Bus needed a better solution, but it also needed to work within its physical and personnel limitations.