Search Results for: health tech

Innovation, New Technology Feeds Plant Growth

Innovation, New Technology Feed Plant Growth

by Lee Rickwood
No, sun and rain are not obsolete; neither are they constant and reliable around the globe or across this country. So innovative ideas and new technologies are changing the economic – and geographic – factors of farming.

4 Canadian Tech Innovations Worth Celebrating for Canada 150

By Christine Persaud
Canada has long been a hotbed for technological innovation. In the technology space alone, Canada is responsible for the BlackBerry, the telephone, the walkie-talkie, IMAX, the cardiac pacemaker, and alkaline batteries, among other highly influential products.

Google enters the mesh Wifi market with made-in Canada software

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Google Wifi may be the smartest mesh router system available right now. Google regularly upgrades the software to ensure smarter use of bandwidth and connectivity. A lot of the software and the mobile app technology was developed right here in Canada.

Mother’s Day Gift Ideas for the Working Mom

By Christine Persaud
Of course mothers should be celebrated all year ‘round. But beyond that realization, there’s nothing wrong with setting aside one day of the year to shower the mothers in your life with praise and gifts. That day, aptly named Mother’s Day, is Sunday, May 14 this year. There are all kinds of moms. But any working mom would appreciate one of these great tech gifts.

Online Privacy and VPNs – Virtually Private or Very Porous Networks?

by Lee Rickwood
Virtual private networks promise enhanced security and privacy online. But let’s face it: any such offering is providing us with protection from a product or service that has no right to be dangerous in the first place. The unfettered growth and commercial potential of the Internet has given us products that are unsafe from the get-go. Are VPNs the answer?