Virtual Museums, Online Galleries Provide Stay-at-Home Art Experiences
by Lee Rickwood
Interactive 3-D virtual tours and VR experiences let you visit your favourite art gallery or museum from the comfort — and safety — of your own home.
by Lee Rickwood
Interactive 3-D virtual tours and VR experiences let you visit your favourite art gallery or museum from the comfort — and safety — of your own home.
By Christine Persaud
Parents of young children are in a unique position during our time of social distancing. While you want your children to have a good balance of schoolwork, outdoor exercise, chores, and downtime each day, some of you might also be trying to work from home, too. This is often where technology comes in as a sort of electronic babysitter.
by Lee Rickwood
Any device that can eliminate awkward conversations or anxious discrepancies about just what two metres really means is more than welcome.
By Christine Persaud
Apps for Keeping In Touch With Friends and Family During Social Distancing. Here are some great ways that you can use technology to make sure that social distancing doesn’t translate to having no social interaction.
by Lee Rickwood
The development of a technology-assisted contact tracing application must proceed with tact, the ability to sensitively deal with difficult issues.
by Lee Rickwood
Companies are banding together in support of frontline health care workers, small businesses as well as consumers and end-users.
by Lee Rickwood
From finding frontline medical staff who are available for work in hospitals and healthcare facilities to filling volunteer shifts at the local food bank, Canadian technology companies large and small are stepping forward to contribute their technical capabilities and expertise.
by Lee Rickwood
Can so-called smart surveillance tools like biometrics and facial recognition make shopping safer?