Technology Turns Vending Machines into Smart Retailing Systems
by Lee Rickwood
Technology is turning the quaint old vending machine into a powerful smart retailing system, driven by big data analytics and, cloud connectivity.
by Lee Rickwood
Technology is turning the quaint old vending machine into a powerful smart retailing system, driven by big data analytics and, cloud connectivity.
By Christine Persaud
Video messaging and video calls are all the rage, adding that element of face-to-face to the equation. Unlike phone calls, video messages work through cellular data or Wi-Fi so you aren’t using up long distance minutes or paying for long distance when chatting with friends and family.
by Lee Rickwood
Baseball’s back: adaptive technology can be used to tell a batter that a pitch is coming; scandalously, some have used technology to tell what pitch it is.
by Lee Rickwood
The right to repair seeks to give consumers the access and resources needed to fix and modify a wide range of products, not just smartphones.
by Lee Rickwood
Smart tech-enabled wearables can improve health care systems and hopefully outcomes, but the successful use of data collecting devices and AI-enabled analytics will depend on patient data protection, awareness and confidence.
by Lee Rickwood
Cardholders who understand their available benefits will spend an average of $307 more per month than those who do not. Augmented reality is being used as an education and awareness tool.
By Christine Persaud
The saying that “there’s an app for that” really is true. And when it comes to organizing your life, apps can come in really handy. If you have an Android device, here are some great organizational apps, some of which are available for iOS as well.
by Lee Rickwood
Polar bears can be seen as beautiful creatures worthy of support and protection; they can also be seen as a dangerous nuisance that must be eliminated. Can augmented reality help settle the matter?