Tag: technology

Moment App Helps Shed Light on Just How Much You Use Your Phone

By Christine Persaud
Smartphone addiction is a real thing.  According to Psychology Today, there’s even a name for the anxiety you feel if you lose sight of your phone: nomophobia. And while many of us might think we don’t fall into that category, the Moment app provides a potentially terrifying glimpse into how often you’re actually glued to your smartphone screen.

Xbox One X looks forward to the future while enhancing games of the past

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Xbox One X Enhanced games, like Gears of War 4 and Forza 7, look and feel amazing. Forza 7, is especially impressive as the level of detail on the cars as well as the tracks and even the real-time weather instances are more lifelike than ever.

Best software solutions for SMB’s

Software to help SMB’s and entrepreneurs makes an impact with their business as well as manage day to day needs like larger companies do.