Tag: VR

Virtual & Augmented Reality World Conference & Expo in Toronto

By Yasmin Ranade
The Virtual & Augmented Reality World Conference & Expo takes place from June 1 until June 3 in Toronto. This professional conference and technology exhibition attracts thought leaders, academics, innovators, inventors, researchers, scientists, programmers, gamers, game developers as well as policy makers.

Apple reveals vision of smartphone future with iPhone 8 and iPhone X

The big announcement, and one that has been leaked in various forums and forms (no thanks to Apple’s own iOS 11 firmware, which spilled the beans on the look as well as various features), was the iPhone X or iPhone Ten. Using a new OLED display with an edge-to-edge display, iPhone X is the culmination of 10 years of Apple innovation in the segment it defined.

VR goes mainstream at the Rec Room in Toronto’s Roundhouse

THE VOID combines interactive sets, virtual reality, real-time effects and gear to create an experience that goes beyond reality. The state-of-the-art experience is launching with Ghostbusters: Dimension, which turns guests into Ghostbusters, transporting them to New York City to track and trap ghosts while engaging all the senses with sights, sounds, smells and motions.