Author Archives: Christine Persaud

5 Chromebooks With A Unique Twist

By Christine Persaud
Chromebooks are all the rage these days thanks to their portability, security, ease of use, and affordability. Some Chromebooks take the design concept a step further with literal twists that allow for them to be used in different modes, including tablet. But how do you choose?

How to Scan a QR Code From Your iOS or Android Phone

By Christine Persaud
Chances are that if you have visited a local restaurant or other similar venue recently, you have been asked to scan a QR code before you enter for COVID-19 contact tracing purposes. It’s actually quite simple to scan a QR code, but for some, the process is completely new.

Everything Amazon Announced at its Big Event

By Christine Persaud
Amazon is one of many tech companies to hold its own massive events to launch an entire slate of new products. And at the company’s latest hardware event, which took place in late September, there were plenty of innovations. Each provide a glimpse into Amazon’s plans for the future of home tech.

Meal Delivery Kits for Busy Professionals in Canada

By Christine Persaud
There has been a lot of chatter recently about meal delivery kits, which appear to be a Godsend for busy families and professionals, as well as those who aren’t proficient cooks. Most have a variety of options based on how many people are in your family, how many days per week you want meals, and even special dietary restrictions. But are they worth it?

Fraudsters are Shifting to Travel and Leisure Industries

By Christine Persaud
As countries began to open from their COVID-19 lockdowns, and travel and other leisure activities became more mainstream, fraudsters clearly appear to have made this industry a topic target.