About Lee Rickwood
Lee Rickwood covers developments in media and technology with particular interest in how such developments affect our social, political and economic activities and interactions.
by Lee Rickwood
Among the many technology developers and equipment manufacturers working in the space, projector and display maker ViewSonic launched a distance learning initiative in response to the COVID-19 outbreak and the need for new approaches to education.
by Lee Rickwood
The team behind Ekoru.org takes the concept of remote work to a new level: Ati and Alison Bakush live in Kuala Lumpur. Their company’s data centre is in Canada.
by Lee Rickwood
While we’re still in the midst of the global shutdown put in place to help stop the spread of the coronavirus that causes COVID-19, multiple strategies for just how to go back to work safely have emerged.
by Lee Rickwood
Facial coding is seen as an objective method for measuring emotions, based on the spontaneity of facial expressions and the human face’s own direct link to the brain and its sometimes mysterious workings.
by Lee Rickwood
Next-generation emergency phone system capabilities present a great opportunity to better assess the severity or complexity of a situation, review potential responses more quickly, and make appropriate decisions more appropriately.
by Lee Rickwood
Recent trends and global events have only increased our appetite for good streaming content across video, music, and gaming platforms.These Canadian companies are ready for us.
by Lee Rickwood
In just the few days since its official release, the new COVID-19 notification app has already shown what it does and does not do.
by Lee Rickwood
A new computer chip with a very small form factor is powering some very big ideas, including the next generation of dual-screen and foldable screen PCs.