About Lee Rickwood
Lee Rickwood covers developments in media and technology with particular interest in how such developments affect our social, political and economic activities and interactions.
By Lee Rickwood
These are much more than academic awards. Just a week after one award winning researcher notified Facebook about such attacks, the social net made significant changes to its online systems.
By Lee Rickwood
Are IT job opportunities and technology industry training the same for men and women?
By Lee Rickwood
Online promotion and social media marketing activities are powerful tools to promote the image and the artists selected on a new award-winning website, 500px.
By Lee Rickwood
Is there a ‘safer’ cell phone? And how can you tell, if so?
By Lee Rickwood
If passed by the majority government, a controversial piece of Canadian Internet legislation could require Internet providers in Canada to hand over personal information to authorities without a warrant or judicial oversight.
Grade 3 students act as ‘Customers’, spec’ing out the kind of game they’d like to play, and doing some ‘beta testing’ and ‘QA’ along the way.
by Lee Rickwood
by Lee Rickwood
These are pretty tech savvy seniors, and everyone in the room raised their hands as computer users and e-mailers, with maybe 60 or 70 per cent of them on Facebook, and about the same having used iPhones, digital cameras or video camcorders.
By Lee Rickwood
Microsoft’s Office 365 is a cloud-based version of its well-known desktop and office applications, with Web versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, Lync and more available as SaaS, or software-as-a-service. There is a dedicated Office 365 site for Canadians.