PM Tweets Reversal of Usage-Based Internet Billing
by Lee Rickwood
The CRTC recently said that both large and small Internet service providers would be able to bill by the meter – so called UBB, or usage based billing.
by Lee Rickwood
The CRTC recently said that both large and small Internet service providers would be able to bill by the meter – so called UBB, or usage based billing.
A new usage-based billing policy for Internet use in Canada takes effect March 31.
by Lee Rickwood
By Lee Rickwood
So an attractive netbook with a new Dual Core Atom processor like this one was supposed to hit both targets – small size, big punch. Depending on your requirements, you may have to be happy with one over the other.
By Lee Rickwood
by Lee Rickwood
Depending on your ISP (Internet Service Provider) contract, that $8 may easily double or triple by the time your monthly bill arrives.
Video featuring Lee Rickwood
The ScanSnap S1100 can detect paper size, from a business card to a legal sized sheet, automatically, and as you will learn from this review and video, there is a solution for larger, oversized documents as well.
By Lee Rickwood
Lately, people have said to me, ‘Lee, you rock!’ Well, my global concert tour has yet to be scheduled. But there are some great inspirations out there for budding and established rockers alike, and a couple of gift ideas you can consider for the musician on your list.
By Lee Rickwood
… With the rosy predictions of job growth, attendees were told about serious investment, talent and innovation issues that must be addressed for Toronto to remain competitive in the global high-tech marketplace.
By Lee Rickwood
You may love your cell phone, just don’t get too close and cuddly with it.