Author Archives: Ted Kritsonis

Small businesses stuck on Windows Server 2003 will need to move fast

By Ted Kritsonis

On July 14, 2015, Microsoft will pull the plug on Windows Server 2003, effectively ending a long period of plugging security holes with patches on a regular basis. Small and medium-sized businesses who have no plan to migrate to a newer server platform may be putting themselves in jeopardy, and numbers indicate there are still plenty of them.

You don’t need to renew your phone contract

By Ted Kritsonis

June 3 is an important day if you have a cell phone contract with any of the Big 3 carriers in Canada because the CRTC’s Wireless Code makes three-year plans redundant as of that date. If you’re currently on a three-year term that started before June 3, 2013, you can free yourself from your contract without paying a cancellation fee, opening up an opportunity to avoid a new contract altogether.

How Rogers’ Roam Like Home compares to other roaming options

By Ted Kritsonis

Warmer weather also usually means increased travel as the summer looms, and roaming with your smartphone now has more options than last year. With Rogers’ Roam Like Home now including 35 European countries, how does it compare to other third-party services?

The debate over streaming music for free

By Ted Kritsonis

It’s hard to find any average consumer who doesn’t like streaming music for free. As consumption continues to shift from downloading music a la carte to streaming it buffet-style, does offering any music for free portend a dystopian future for artists and the recording industry?

Do you need a smartwatch?

By Ted Kritsonis

Now that the Apple Watch has launched, the spotlight is on a product category that seems to confuse the imagination as much as it captures it. Though all tech gadgets are more ‘wants’ than ‘needs’, it’s hard to gauge whether there is any general desire for smartwatches yet.

6 tech gifts that make sense for Mother’s Day

By Ted Kritsonis

Buying mom a tech gift for Mother’s Day is a challenge to anyone, particularly since the product should be something she didn’t realize she needed or wanted. These five gift options may be among the best — and most useful — suggestions you can find if you’re in the hunt.

Is Microsoft’s vision starting to come into focus?

By Ted Kritsonis

Microsoft outlined its vision for some of its core products and services during a 3-hour keynote at its Build conference in San Francisco. The takeaway from the various announcements is that the company may have finally figured out what kind of role it will play in the tech industry moving forward.

Roku refreshes its streaming boxes without changing much

By Ted Kritsonis

The Roku continues to be the little box that could. The streaming device, and the platform that goes with it, has managed to carve out a significant portion of the market. This refreshed version of the Roku 3 doesn’t change a great deal, but if you want the extra features, it’s worth the price of entry.