Author Archives: Yasmin Ranade

Winter Tire Technology

By Yasmin Ranade
Winter days are here – or will come soon to where you live – so why not learn how technology and chemistry factors into winter tire design?

Virtual STEM Program for Girls

By Yasmin Ranade
To provide youth the opportunity to explore the world of science, technology, trades, engineering, and mathematics, the Canadian Association for Girls In Science (CAGIS) has launched a new national membership program for girls and gender non-binary your age 7 – 16.

Work Life Balance: Better or Worse in a Pandemic?

By Yasmin Ranade
A recent poll on Blind, a popular and anonymous networking website for professionals, generated thousands of responses to the question, “Has the current WFH [work from home] situation improved or worsened your WLB [work life balance]?”

Digital Health Assessment at Your Fingertips

By Yasmin Ranade
TELUS Health has released its latest digital health product, Healthcheck, within its Babylon by TELUS Health service, which aims to provide Canadians with innovative and greater access to healthcare.