Category: Business

Using the Web to design and decorate your home

By Ted Kritsonis

Whether you’re moving into a new place or looking to design your dream home, the Web offers some interesting tools to help make that a reality for you, and all at a price you can afford.

Mobilicity is Canada’s newest wireless carrier

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Mobilicity squeezes into a picture that’s got providers Rogers, Fido, Bell, Telus, Virgin and Wind all competing for 3G customers and selling the latest batch of app phones and smartphones.

Will 3D and Internet-connected TV work for you?

Text and photos by Ted Kritsonis

Though 3D TV and Internet-connected TV were all the rage at CES in Las Vegas, there are still more than a few question marks on how all this will be implemented and if it’s even worth delving into.