Category: Business


Data Privacy Day 2016 is About Protecting Not Hiding Your Information

by Lee Rickwood
From cyber-criminality to targeted advertising, from corporate spies to commercial retailers, from government agencies to technology developers, it seems almost everyone is looking at our online activity. And not just looking: our digital fingerprints are being are being tracked, collected, stored, analyzed, cross-referenced and re-purposed, often without our knowledge and often by entities unknown to us.


Consumer Protection and the Internet of Things

Of all the things connected by the Internet of Things, it appears that a robust strategy for consumer protection, corporate security and individual privacy has not yet been fully hooked up. The Internet of Things (IoT) broadly refers to a…

Fujitsu ScanSnap iX500 – A must-have for your office desktop

By Ted Kritsonis
Scanning documents in an office can be time-consuming and the cause of much frustration, but it doesn’t have to be. ScanSnap simplifies the scanning process to the single press of the SCAN button. There is no need to fiddle with various settings or adjustments