Category: Featured

Reviewing the Sony Xperia XA1 and Xperia XA1 Ultra

By Ted Kritsonis

Flying under the radar is Sony’s penchant these days, as it continues to try gaining traction with smartphone users, this time with the mid-range Xperia XA1 and Xperia XA1 Ultra.

Back to school guide for laptops

For 2017, we’re seeing even slimmer models with improved battery life and innovations in terms of keyboard design. Newer laptops are cutting down on ports, some are jumping into the USB Type-3 bandwagon while reducing the extra USB, HDMI, modem and video-out ports.

Reviewing the Sphero Ultimate Lightning McQueen and Spider-Man toys

By Ted Kritsonis

App-based toys are interesting when witnessing kids interact with them. Add popular characters to the mix, and the interaction could become all the more invested, which is really what Sphero’s Ultimate Lightning McQueen and Spider-Man toys are about.

What’s next in iOS 11 and Android O?

New iPhones and Google Pixel devices are expected in the coming months and with them improved software functionality. Here are some of the expected updates in iOS 11 and the Android O

Data Privacy, NAFTA Negotiations, and the Canadian Cloud

Data Privacy, NAFTA Negotiations, and the Canadian Cloud

by Lee Rickwood
These days, both individual and institutional data needs to be available anywhere, anytime, and it needs to be safely and securely protected from any number of inappropriate or illegal actors.