Category: Featured

Canadian Cyber-safety and Anti-bullying Crusaders Recognized

By Lee Rickwood
Users have a big responsibility (in protecting themselves and others while online), but so too the companies and services with which they share their information; it’s a responsibility some companies may not be taking all that seriously.

Notable 2-in-1 tablets for consumers

By Gadjo Sevilla

The latest hardware comes with dazzling displays, pen input, 64-bit processors, more RAM, improved Bluetooth and wireless connectivity have helped tablets improve their PC-like tasks while accessories and add-ons can convert them into viable productivity tools.

Poverty Hackathon: Toronto and Nairobi, November 20-22

By Yasmin Ranade
Poverty Hackathon is a Devs Without Borders 28-hour event that brings charitable minded developers from Toronto and Nairobi together – simultaneously – to build web and mobile applications in education, business and farming for people living in rural and impoverished areas in East Africa. The winning solution gets real exposure, and will be implemented by Free The Children in rural Kenya.

Going wireless: Bluetooth earbuds compared

By Ted Kritsonis

The term “cutting the cord” usually refers to cable and satellite subscriptions, but wires are slowly being cut out of in-ear headphones (or earbuds) because of Bluetooth wireless streaming. Now that there is a greater level of choice, how do some of the latest models stack up?

New Doll Aims to Teach Young Girls To Love Math & Science

By Christine Persaud

There has been a long list of initiatives aimed at getting more women involved in the S.T.E.M. fields (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). And it’s no surprise that getting girls interested at a young age can help encourage them to pursue such careers once the time comes. A new toy doll from MGA Entertainment Canada has an interesting idea on how to go about this.

Napster finding new life as a music streaming service

By Ted Kritsonis

Remember Napster? The software application that once pioneered the idea of sharing music files in the late 90s and early 2000s is back in Canada. Only this time, it’s as a subscription-based music streaming service, not a peer-to-peer network.

5 things you didn’t know could be done with 3D printing

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

3D-printing has evolved exponentially these past few years. Aside from changing the game for various industries like automotive, aerospace, medicine, dentistry and various applied sciences, 3D-printing in enabling leaps in art, architecture, fashion and industrial design.