Category: Featured

Wi-Fi in schools – the health debate continues

By Lee Rickwood

If there were only seven cell phone users in the entire world, this issue would not have the same ramifications or potential impacts.

But it seems like the goal is seven billion users – and in that light it does seem incumbent upon us to know about potential health risks, not to speculate or to wonder or to debate.

Kobo aims for a slice of the tablet market

Text and photos by Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

Toronto-based eBook reader company Kobo has introduced the Kobo Vox which is an eBook reader with social graces and an eye on the emerging tablet market.

Update on Canada’s New Wireless Entrants

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla

It has been well over a year since Wind Mobile, Mobilicity and Public Mobile started challenging the ‘big three’ in Canada. We take a look at how these new entrants are faring in the cutthroat mobile industry and what they have to offer.

It’s Time to End the Pervasiveness of Cyberbullying

By Hessie Jones

Bullying Awareness Week is an opportunity for people at the grassroots level in communities around the world to get involved in this issue, not by waiting for “Someone else” to do something, but rather for us to work together on preventing bullying in our communities through education and awareness.

Adobe abandoning Flash for mobile devices opens door to HTML5

By Ted Kritsonis

Adobe’s announcement yesterday that it would no longer support Flash in mobile devices after version 11.1 is a bold move that opens the door for HTML5 as the new standard for rich web content on smartphones and tablets.