Category: Featured

IBM Uses AI to Help Organizations Bring Employees Back to Work

By Yasmin Ranade
Canadian and global C-suite leaders in business and government recognize that the pandemic is a global tragedy, but they’re also talking about this moment as a mandate for change and opportunity to rethink everything, from the role of the corporation in modern society to day-to-day business operations to the nature of work itself.

Companies Helping You Enjoy Travel Experiences From Home

By Christine Persaud
Just because we’re all stuck at home during social distancing doesn’t mean we can’t travel. Well, technically it does. But there are plenty of cool ways to bring venues and experiences to your home thanks to several companies offering virtual visits, tours, classes, and more.

From Big Sur to iPadOS: Highlights From Apple WWDC20

By Christine Persaud
In late June, Apple held its annual Worldwide Developer’s Conference (WWDC) and, for the first time, presented it virtually. Missed the stream? Here’s a synopsis of the key announcements made at the event.

6 New Premium Smartphones Worth Checking Out

By Christine Persaud
Now might be a good time to upgrade to a new smartphone. And if you’re in the market for a premium device that will help you more easily work from home, there are plenty of new options from which to choose.