Category: Gadgets

Reviewing the Kobo Libra H2O

By Ted Kritsonis

Kobo maintains a familiar form factor and delivers on a set of features to make it possible to read just about anywhere on the new Libra H2O.

Essential Back to School Tech: Are Parents Included?

by Lee Rickwood
In order to assess how important a role parents have in a child’s education, and where technology may fit in the role, the multinational technology company Lenovo recently surveyed more than 15,000 people around the world.

Reviewing the Dyson V11

By Ted Kritsonis

Dyson’s latest V11 stick vacuum is like a handheld arsenal for almost any surface in a home.

Dedicated Devices Promise Personal Information Privacy — at a Price

by Lee Rickwood
Until regulation and legislation comes into effect with the strength to protect all our online moves and penalize those who track them illegally or inappropriately, there’s a real risk that privacy solutions will become a luxury item, putting a basic right out of the reach of many of us.