Category: Gadgets

Review: Asus Zenfone 2 is a great bargain

Text and photos by Ted Kritsonis

The prospect of paying upwards of $700 or more for a smartphone might seem like a hill too steep to climb, but it doesn’t have to be that way when there are compelling options for much less. The Asus Zenfone 2 only sells outright and unlocked, and packs in a number of features that are on par with handsets available for double the price.

Tech Gifts for Ladies to Get Your Dads

By Christine Persaud
very dad, no matter the age, loves some kind of tech, even if he has no idea how to use it.And luckily, there are plenty of tech gadgets that would make great gifts for daughter to give dad, but that won’t break the bank. Here are 5 great options.

More Hot Tech for the Business Woman

By Christine Persaud
A smartphone can be the most important tool in a working woman’s arsenal. Which means you don’t want to forget it, or have it run out of juice. And you want to receive all of your important notifications in a timely fashion. Here are five hot tech items that are great complements to a smartphone to help ensure it’s used as effectively as possible.

Small businesses stuck on Windows Server 2003 will need to move fast

By Ted Kritsonis

On July 14, 2015, Microsoft will pull the plug on Windows Server 2003, effectively ending a long period of plugging security holes with patches on a regular basis. Small and medium-sized businesses who have no plan to migrate to a newer server platform may be putting themselves in jeopardy, and numbers indicate there are still plenty of them.

Tech tools for used car buying and selling

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla It has never been easier to buy or sell a used car. Various websites, services and apps make it possible to find the right buyer and seller for a vehicle.

You don’t need to renew your phone contract

By Ted Kritsonis

June 3 is an important day if you have a cell phone contract with any of the Big 3 carriers in Canada because the CRTC’s Wireless Code makes three-year plans redundant as of that date. If you’re currently on a three-year term that started before June 3, 2013, you can free yourself from your contract without paying a cancellation fee, opening up an opportunity to avoid a new contract altogether.