Category: Gadgets

Roku 3 a solid little box, may be the media streamer to beat

By Ted Kritsonis

Streaming media boxes are slowly growing in popularity as their capabilities grow and consumers become more aware of what they can do, and the Roku 3 may be on its way to the top of the list, thanks to its impressive mix of simplified software and developer support for more content.

Essential gadgets for travel

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla Modern travellers are faced with many challenges. Higher travel costs, less service and perks as well as increasingly more prohibitive rules. Here are gadgets that help make travel better.

Comparing the 2-year plans from the Big 3 carriers

By Ted Kritsonis

Now that two-year contracts have essentially become the norm before the new wireless code of conduct goes into effect in December, the incumbent carriers have released their latest voice and data plans. Are they cheaper than they were under the old three-year terms, or still more expensive than they should be?

Technology Waiting as Canadian Students Go Back to School

Tablets, e-boards and HD connectivity can make a real difference in the learning experience, say Canadian users of in-class technology, helping to bring students closer to the instructor and the content.

by Lee Rickwood

ZTE looking to push further in Canada with V72A Lite tablet

Ted Kritsonis

ZTE launched a 7-inch tablet and WF720 Wireless Home Phone product in Canada through an exclusive partnership with Rogers this summer, and as the Chinese manufacturer continues to push into the country, its tablet aims to compete against what is becoming a crowded tablet market.