Category: Gadgets

Looking at the Balance of Power in the Mobile Industry

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla 2012 is shaking up to be an interesting one for the mobile industry. Patent cases, landmark product releases and emerging competition are quickly changing the face of the industry.

The netTalk Duo and its cheap phone calls go Wi-Fi

By Ted Kritsonis

The netTalk Duo Wi-Fi is a successor unit to the original VoIP device that offers free calls to all of Canada and the U.S., with an extra incentive being that this one doesn’t have to plug into a computer or router to do its job.

The 30-day cancellation notice and what you can do about it

By Ted Kritsonis

The scenarios don’t matter as much as the result when it comes to cancelling a service from the likes of Rogers, Bell, Telus, Shaw and even Wind and Mobilicity. If you’re looking to port your cell phone number over, or you’re cutting the cable or satellite cord — whatever service it may be — these providers mandate 30-days notice. Whether it’s fair or even ethical is debatable, but here’s why it happens and what you can do about it.

Samsung NX210 Smart Camera Review

By Gadjo Cardenas Sevilla Integrating its app-driven smartphone interfaces with Wi-Fi connectivity and an impressive DSLR-sized 20.3 megapixel image sensor, Samsung’s NX210 ‘Smart Camera aims to impress.

Why paying full price for your smartphone is a good idea

By Ted Kritsonis

Despite the fact three-year contracts offer more attractive upfront pricing for premium smartphones, the duration of the term could actually make the phone more expensive and difficult to resell.